In a time when country music seems more accepting than ever before, why should it matter that a grammy-winning, chart-topping artist like T.J. Osborne of The Brothers Osborne felt the need to make a very public statement about being openly gay in a major trusted new outlet like TIME Magazine?
It seems like an obvious question when the majority of popular music is already on board with gender fluidity and open sexuality, but that’s the whole point… Country Music and the audience it serves isn’t like the rest of pop music. Country radio likes to tout itself as the last defenders of conservative values in mainstream entertainment, and when an artist does out themselves, it’s always someone who was already on the fringe (pun intended Orville Peck) of the genre, or on the sunset stage of their career.

The post Why T.J. Osborne’s Coming Out Matters appeared first on Country Music News Blog | CMNB.