Shauna WhiskeyChick Castorena - Music Blogger - Band Marketer

The YouTube rEvolution

In my kids’ younger days I used to get so frustrated that they would spend hours on end just watching YouTube. I’ll admit now that they were so far ahead of the game in visual media than I ever was, but back then I just couldn’t understand how what I thought was just a bunch […]

10 Tips For Organizing a Conference

Music bloggers, Upstart publicists, Budding Photographers, and DIY artists NEED a place to go where they can learn the tools it takes to stand out in this current state of noise for the sake of noise. They deserve to be taken seriously.

Why Eddie Trunk is My Compass

*Originally posted on February 3rd, 2014 as an editorial piece for In 1993 a good friend of mine handed me a mixtape that changed my life forever. On it were artists like Skid Row, Black Sabbath, Lita Ford, Poison, Meatloaf, Kiss, Sepultura, Motley Crue, Queensryche and a dozen others. This was my true introduction […]

My Career Goals

I’m a strong believer of trusting the universe to provide as long as you’re clear about what you want out of life. So far I have been blessed to have a very successful and multi-faceted career. As I roll forward…

Who’s your mamma and what does she do?

It’s late… maybe 2 or 3 A.M.  and I’m sitting here at a keyboard, trying desperately to find the words that most accurately describe the live show I just left. How do you explain the way the way the room buzzes before the lights come up? Or the feeling of that vibration in your chest […]