It’s an amazing time to be a WhiskeyChick these days. Live concerts are slowly starting to come back, which means more opportunities to cover them. The kids are grown and flown so there are no excuses to send anyone in my place. And sponsors are starting to reach out to help make sure I can cover as many events as I can possibly fit into my calendar. That is why I am proud to announce today that I am partnering with CWSpirits Online Liquor Superstore for ALL of 2021!

The partnership terms are extremely beneficial and they provide a lot of personalized support. Plus, they really do have great prices and a top-notch selection.
Also, they carefully screen all their partners so you don’t run into two partners doing the same kinds of promotion. Thich means that my whiskey-fueled musical adventures actually pair well with the other partners instead of cannibalizing their reach. We can each expand the reach for each other.
In the world of making a living at blogging, there are only a few rules:
- Keep it relevant – From the dive bars to the big stage, it’s common practice for me to buy a round of whiskey shots or even present a bottle for the band. CWSpirits makes it easy to find and try different whisky, bourbon, and other spirits so I’m always serving up the finest taste to the talent.
- Make it fun – CWSpirits works with carefully selected influencers like @aBasicBartender‘s Lonnie and @shak_r_stir‘s Ryan, who serve up amazing shot recipes, bar tips, and collabs within the cocktail community.
- Provide value to your readers – Where most alcohol ambassadors aim their focus at the fine nuances of the spirits themselves, CWSpirits gives me the opportunity to expand into the drinking experience. Whether it’s a backwoods bonfire, a studio jam session, or a multi-day festival hiding out in the media tent, the whiskey fuels my adventures and is a welcome part of my coverage!
All in all, I’m proud to fly the CWSpirit flag, and can’t wait to share the many ways that whiskey plays a part in the music world. I’m looking forward to a full year of concerts, collaborations, and of course, fine cocktails and hope you come along with me! Cheers!

PS: Just for fun, I’ve created this MASSIVE puzzle of WhiskeyChick’s Favorite 50 Under $50 available at for your phone, desktop, and social media banner use! Enjoy!